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onProgress property - FlutterSoundPlayer class - player library - Dart API

onProgress property

Stream<PlaybackDisposition>? get onProgress

The stream side of the Food Controller

This is a stream on which FlutterSound will post the player progression. You may listen to this Stream to have feedback on the current playback.

PlaybackDisposition has two fields :

  • Duration duration (the total playback duration)
  • Duration position (the current playback position)


        _playerSubscription = myPlayer.onProgress.listen((e)
                Duration maxDuration = e.duration;
                Duration position = e.position;
        await _mPlayer.setSubscriptionDuration(
             Duration(milliseconds: 100, // an event each 100 ms


Stream<PlaybackDisposition>? get onProgress =>
    _playerController != null ? _playerController!.stream : null;
flutter_sound 9.24.0