openPlayer method
- dynamic isBGService = false,
Open the Player.
A player must be opened before used. Opening a player takes resources inside the OS. Those resources are freed with the verb closePlayer(). Returns a Future, but the App does not need to wait the completion of this future before doing a startPlayer(). The Future will be automaticaly waited by startPlayer().
myPlayer = await FlutterSoundPlayer().openPlayer();
(do something with myPlayer)
await myPlayer.closePlayer();
myPlayer = null;
Future<FlutterSoundPlayer?> openPlayer({isBGService = false}) async {
//if (!Platform.isIOS && enableVoiceProcessing) {
//throw ('VoiceProcessing is only available on iOS');
if (_isInited != Initialized.notInitialized) {
return this;
if (isBGService) {
await MethodChannel("xyz.canardoux.flutter_sound_bgservice")
Future<FlutterSoundPlayer?>? r;
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
r = _openPlayer();
return r;